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Old 18th January 2011, 06:10
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Sculthorpe
Posts: 135
No, nobody lost there job over it. GB had to always find a scapegoat when things went wrong and usually the lower down the pecking order the better. I lost count of the times I was accused of doing something I hadn't done. One of which resulted in a 10 week suspension where I had no case to answer at a disciplinary and another was where I allegedly didn't turn up for a medical when in fact I had but BUPA got me mixed up with somebody else who didn't turn up and passed on the incorrect info to GB. All managers were briefed that I was not allowed on site etc and that my PTS was to be taken off me. I still laugh to this day about it. All the effort that must have gone into trying to trip me up when a simple phone call to me could have rectified the situation. If ever you want to be treated like a school kid with no brain then be a shunter for GB.
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