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Old 26th December 2020, 20:12
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DSY011 DSY011 is offline  
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: BRISTOL U.K.
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As a young boy, man, and fireman in Rhodesia, I never saw a Level Crossing Barrier. We did not have any. Trains that did shunt work across a road in the towns always had a shunter with a red flag to stop traffic. Out in the country, it was law that drivers stopped at a level crossing. The police would sometimes hide in the bush and check that traffic stopped before crossing. Lord help any they caught not stopping, they would lose their driving license. That could be very hard on someone living miles out in the sticks with the nearest neighbor 5 or 10 miles away. I understand that the law in South Africa was also just as harsh.
The Old Git, Syd
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