Thread: Heat buckles
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Old 30th July 2022, 21:31
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I left the Rhodesian Railways in 1969 and fled to the U.K. on the Union Castle Line, landing in Southampton in July, but I still have my old water bag that I used on the Rhodesian Railways. The cork gave up years ago as it dried out in my garden shed.
There was nothing better than to clean the fire for the next crew, wash down the cab with the slack hose, and pour the remains of the water in my bag over my head. Even at night when the temp. could still be in the high 70s. Hanging the water bag over the hand rail of the cab would keep the water cool in the day and very cold at night. I have not filled the bag since then, so I don't think it would hold any water for long, if at all. Not going to try as it may fall apart.
The Old Git, Syd
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