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Old 6th November 2005, 12:02
N POWER N POWER is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 6
hi. this drink thing ;ask yourself why the goverment is proposing to bring in laws to banboozing on all forms of transport? its because the public are demanding it,and why not. one of the problems i read not so long ago was where a charter train (of so called ) inthusiists put the whole train at risk of cancellation part way through its iteniary all because of the while thats only one instance what about the other ones we dont here about too often? the bus driver the taxi driver all being assaulted in fact some severly injured by broken bottles which only minutes before contained that elexir of violence. i,m all in favour of drinking in fact i like the dam stuff a lot but i dont think we should be bringing it onto any sort of transport. mind you there is another side to this argument what responsiblity do transport co. take /have taken to prevent drinking excessive drinking on there bus/coach/plane ect.ect.
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