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Old 4th July 2008, 22:00
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Deathbyteacup Deathbyteacup is offline  
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Slightly interesting story...

I was on the Tram from Bury to Manchester today when I noticed we were doing a very slow speed towards a signal at clear.

Anyway the signal started to behave erratically switching to Danger, then back to clear and back to danger a couple times, and sitting at the front since I'm sad like that, I then notice the driver's tram phone ring and heard the entire conversation between him and the depot (evesdropping, I know but my curiosity was peaked at this point....)

Anyway the conversation between those two was basically the driver telling the depot what the Signal was doing for a short while then they told the driver to stand by....

At this point everyone near the front as I was started looking a bit nervous but after a minute he was called back and basically was told he was given the all-clear to proceed through this signal and the next signal at danger since they are not functioning correctly at reduced speed being ready to stop for obstructions....

....having read that website I posted about the Class 47's where almost the exact same words were used I was a little nervous and admittedely intregued at this point since that particular story ended in a accident.

Anyway the driver warned everyone that he was about to pass a signal at danger and that the brakes might automatically apply so they should brace.

Sadly they didn't nor did anything interesting happen after passing the two signals at danger so this is a story with an anti-climax and I don't know why I wrote it but it was an interesting part of my day I felt like sharing.

Uh....that's all. Although I do wonder what would cause a signal to act like a disco light.
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