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Old 9th August 2023, 02:58
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aussiesteve aussiesteve is offline
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AH The Rock.
That is what the whoop de doo train control centre is dubbed in smog hollow.
We have a stupid TV series dubbed Sydney Trains, featuring the modern day glory and glitz.
The Rock gets mentioned frequently when the wheels fall off.
Back in the good ole days we had signal boxes and pointcops sprinkled everywhere.
Eyes checking trains, especially goods trains, to ensure all was hunky dory.
Today we have CTCTV cameras.
Ah well, the eyes inside The Rock will also be in jeopardy as the driverless Metro slinks around more of the smog hollow commuter network.
NO eyes, just computers.
At least one gone missing pointcop won't bring it all to a grinding halt.
BUT, I can't wait until them computer hackers get into it.
The cattle must serve themselves for rescue missions when the Metro karks it.
Ah, bring back them good ole days.
The tick tock of the signal box regulator clock.
Bell codes.
The heavy thunk of the frame levers being hefted.
And USE that cloth to hold the lever to prevent sweat and grime from getting onto the lever handle.
The pointcop's voice over the two way radio, Train Complete, as the tail light rattles past.
I don't watch that stupid Sydney Trains series very often, way too annoying.
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