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Old 25th July 2022, 09:45
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Beeyar Wunby Beeyar Wunby is offline  
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Freight train travelled through red 'danger' signal before crash in Doncaster

Just spotted this on the ITV site......

They're a bit late reporting this as it happened on the 5th.

"The rear of the stationary train was approximately 230 (yds?) beyond this signal when the collision happened"
Wow, that's very close! I wonder if the train in front was standing at a the sections are very tight, or if it was stopped mid section.

I remember once when I first started driving on the South Eastern, I left London Bridge station on a single yellow on the Up. I didn't know the road terribly well so I crawled gingerly round a sharp bend and focused on pulling up at the red light when it appeared. When I looked up there was the rear of a Coastal Express about 2 carriage lengths in front. Those were short signal sections in London, and no TPWS in those days. Fortunately the line speed was only 20 mph, but if you slipped into microsleep or did something dumb like reaching into your bag at the wrong moment you'd collide.

"It collided with the rear of the stationary train at around 28 mph. No-one was hurt in the accident, although the collision derailed a number of wagons in both trains and caused significant damage to the vehicles and rail lines."
Glad to hear no one was hurt - but they'll be pretty shaken.

There but for the grace of god....

As always we await the RAIB report with interest, John
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