Thread: Heat buckles
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Old 22nd July 2022, 06:21
Beeyar Wunby's Avatar
Beeyar Wunby Beeyar Wunby is offline  
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Have to admit I'm with Syd on this one. I really hate the heat.

I've only ever experienced 40C once before. That was on Tenerife, but it was at much less humidity than here.

I've inherited the 'Curse of the Wunby Sinus'. Any time the pressure is high it feels like someone has put their hand up my nose and is is squeezing my brain. Luckily this time some of our Antipodean friends popped up on a Facebook page I was on and said that when the weather is severe they soak their clothes in water and put a wet flannel over their faces.

I wasn't sure if they were taking the mickey, but it really worked for me. I spent the two hot days pegged out like a starfish, dripping with water. But it was bearable.

I feel sorry for the people who had to go out in it - like the overworked firefighters.

And Steve, it sounds like you've got all our water - we haven't had rain for ages, so I suspect we'll have a drought next.

Keep safe everyone, John
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