Thread: Trespassers
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Old 7th April 2021, 12:17
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Beeyar Wunby Beeyar Wunby is offline  
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IIUC, Trespass is a funny old law. I believe that if someone enters a property but has caused no damage, the worst that can happen happen to them is to be asked to leave.


Under railway bylaws the CPS does have the power to fine trespassers, provided that a clear notice was displayed telling them not to (like they should need to be told ), but if they enter property at a non-approved place, eg a hole in a fence, then that rule won't work

What we need is a law such as "entering railway property without authority or the recognised training". Bang, woosh £1000 pound fine.

Or similarly "Causing economic/financial damage to a business". Since any railway looses money when the trains are made to stop, how about making the twonk who is responsible pay for it?

Yes I know, there's not a snowball's chance in hell - but that's how I'd roll on Planet Johnny!

Keep safe, John

Last edited by Beeyar Wunby; 7th April 2021 at 13:09. Reason: add bylaw comment
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