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Old 22nd February 2021, 04:26
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Beeyar Wunby Beeyar Wunby is offline  
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Originally Posted by aussiesteve View Post
I also wonder how many takes were necessary to get Dad to duck his head to go through the tunnel while spruiking the commentary.
How many times he snotted his cranium on the tunnel portal.
Yup, in films and tv, the bits you don't get to see are often far better than the bits you do.

Hence the popularity of programmes like "It'll be alright on the night", which itself is a well worn sarcastic saying from the the industry.

But don't get me started on the awful phrase "from the cutting room floor". In the days of film, during the edit every single frame was logged carefully and kept in the offcuts bin - literally. Nothing ever got thrown away or chucked on the floor because the sound or picture might be needed to lengthen a shot at a later stage. That's one reason why assistant editors got a credit on movies, because they had to have meticulous housekeeping [/rant].

Cheers, John
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