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Old 20th February 2021, 03:46
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aussiesteve aussiesteve is offline
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amusing miniature steam tv ad

I recently copped a DVD featuring footage of the huge private model railway near Bathurst.
Shot before it was dissected and flogged to the local council.
The DVD producer attempted to make if a Matinee style with a short feature and ad included.
I had not squizzed either previously.
The tv ad being for the RACV (Royal Automotive Club of Victoria).
Utilizing a miniature live steam railway.
I can only presume that I had not squizzed this ad before being that it would be directed towards our Mexicans.
Here in Cockroach country we have the NRMA version for all things motoring.
The short BnW feature was a Yankee model railway comedy.
Would this style of comedy be permitted today ?
Anyhoo, I managed to find both clips uploaded to You Tuber.
Obviously from where the DVD producer snavelled them.
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