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Old 1st February 2021, 11:55
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Beeyar Wunby Beeyar Wunby is offline  
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Originally Posted by Master Cutler View Post
And now the 64,000 Dollar question, will artificial smoke from the model chimney follow the same rules and look correct if say the model is being filmed in real time?
It's unlikely. I've always been fascinated by cinema. So much so that I spent the first half of my working life on 16mm film & video (albeit as a sound specialist rather than optical).

I love the old filmy films (real 35mm acetate) which were shot in the days before CGI. As I'm sure you know, extensive use was made of models for the dramatic 'set pieces'.

And just as you mentioned scaling in your post, so there used to be specific frame rate charts for camera technicians to 'overcrank' camera shutter speeds. The standard shutter speed for movies is 24 fpm, and this was raised significantly for shooting scales models.

Obviously when the film is played back at 24 fpm, the action is slower - but also the movements are more smooth. There is an element of trial & error, so test rolls were shot to hone down the best setting before they blew up the expensive viaduct or sank the 50ft long Titanic model.

Cheers, John
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