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Old 10th September 2020, 14:40
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Beeyar Wunby Beeyar Wunby is offline  
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Bridge bash in Winchester.

Seriously, another one? WTF. Apparently a double-deck school bus has hit a railway bridge. A parent has suggested that the driver was "new and unfamiliar with the route."

So does this mean that the driver isn't issued with a hard copy of the route to be taken? Is there no safe method of work required? Do they just hand the driver the keys and watch him sail off into the distance without learning the way.

Is there no legal requirement for a commercial bus operator to brief its staff on which bridges are too low for each type of vehicle it runs?

I thought they published maps that showed low bridges on.

I do know that the bus companies which obtained rail franchises at Privatisation quickly showed themselves to be incapable of running a bath, but I'd kinda hoped that there was some regulation on the roads. Guess not.

NNR Diesel traincrew
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