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Old 13th June 2019, 10:13
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Beeyar Wunby Beeyar Wunby is offline  
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Thanks for the replies. Whilst it's all the rage nowadays to recycle everything (and very laudable) I can't help but wonder at the cost of refurbing old bangers. As a short term fix for the GatExs they made sense, but to keep 'uprating' them seems like folly.

Given that a new train runs at about roughly £1m a carriage, I can't help but wonder at splashing so much cash at an old worn out class.

By the time you've replaced everything, and designed interfaces between old technology (eg, DC motors, Westinghouse air brakes) and new stuff which DafT requires such as Traction Interlock, TPWS, GSMR & ERTMS, an engineer might wonder if a brand new design might be more sensible.

The parable of 'new wine in old skins' comes to mind.

Cheers, BW.
NNR Diesel traincrew
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