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Old 9th June 2019, 22:20
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I'm not one to blow my own trumpet but...

The fortnightly Bluebell E-Newsletter has just come out and it has been confirmed that 6233 'Duchess of Sutherland' is to be one of the star visiting locos at the Bluebell's Giants of Steam Gala in October. It also states that BR 7MT No.70000 'Britannia' will be the other visitor, which presumably means that the 'Brit' replaces the previously announced 46100 'Royal Scot' - these are both locos from Jeremy Hosking's Royal Scot & General Locomotive Trust - so I'm guessing the 'Scot' is now unavailable.
Home fleet should include SR Q class No.30541, SR S15 No.847, BR 5MT No.73082 'Camelot' & BR 4MT No.80151 - the Standard tank is due to return to traffic at the end of June following completion of it's overhaul.
Jon, I'll meet you in the Bessemer Arms!

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