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Old 20th April 2019, 12:18
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Beeyar Wunby Beeyar Wunby is offline  
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Well whether the OP returns or not, I fancy having a dibble - purely for the sake of interest or stimulating a discussion amongst the rest of us.
So here are some observations & guestimates...

1) Those lumps look like the coloured lenses of an annunciator/indicator panel, rather than a 'control panel'. The photo doesn't give much away. In my travels I've come across these sort things on 1970 stock, ie class 313 and 317. 1980's traction has much more up to date indicators and switches. So this thing is more like 50 years old than 20.

2) Because of the number of indicators I'm guessing that this is from a loco rather than a multiple unit, though again, I could be wrong. Also there are 4 blowers for traction motors. So it probably has beefy traction motors - another trait of a loco.

3) There are indicators for Transformer Aux & Alarm, so I believe this is from an AC Electric Traction unit. I could be wrong, because all units must provide ac for auxiliaries, but if it were Diesel or DC there should be references to an Inverter or Motor Alternator to produce the AC which would go to the transformer, so that's my guess.

4) There is an indicator for Train Heat, so this thing has the capability to haul passenger stock.

So put that all together, and I'd be looking for an Electric AC loco with passenger stock capability from the 1970's or earlier.

If I were a betting man - Class 86 or 87 maybe ? Could be something earlier still ?

Our friend Aussisteve has driven electric locos, so probably can shed some light. I believe he's camping at the moment without access to the Interweb, but maybe when he returns he can add something.

Hope this makes sense, BW
NNR Diesel traincrew

Last edited by Beeyar Wunby; 20th April 2019 at 12:23.
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