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Old 13th March 2018, 07:12
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aussiesteve aussiesteve is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2017
Location: Bathurst
Posts: 578
G'day all,
Yes, I guess that my lingo can be difficult to constumble (understand).
But, our Strine did have foundations from UK Cockney.
With Irish and a lot of other influences.
We also invented some rhyming slang that became very popular in the USA with the gangsters.
Our government pas railways do cop some flack.
But, the privatized ones cop even more.
Yes BW, we got Connex here, mostly in Mexico (Victoria).
Since privatization, and a resulting very reduced railway community, everything must get hurled out to private industry for tender.
Gone are most of the actual old timer railway experts.
The NSWR was the second largest employer here in NSW.
The NSWR could build anything in house.
You had trad railway blokes from all facets who knew what was what.
Now we have university graduates who attempt to be management.
I know that this sounds like I have climbed up onto my fruit crate.
Down at the Domain in smog hollow, anybody could climb onto a fruit crate to speak their mind.
That be back in the good ole days.
So, mistakes are made when ideas get sent back and forth and pruned by cost cutting.
The 3801 debacle be one perfect example.
We can't make a puffer billy boiler here any more.
So, a newbie boiler was sourced from Deutschland.
Somehow in the translation process the dimension got misinterpreted.
The resulting boiler don't fit the Jolly Green Giant.
The USRR had to have tall loading gauge due to the brakemen riding ontop of the cars cranking on handbrakes.
Hence all overpass bridges and tunnels were built to allow a bloke to stand up ontop.
You wouldn't get me doing that.
But, before westinghouse air brake, and even after the initial introduction, to control US freight trains, brakemen rode up top.
As to the latest QR debacle, I must peruse the press release in detail.
But, yes, I guess that somebody got some dimension incorrect in the design.
Cowboy cars are just that, the USRR end platform cars used during the wild wild west days.
Boonies, well, anybody who resides beyond the black stump is out in the boonies.
Basically, us mob not residing in the city.
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