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Old 17th July 2007, 23:32
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Ringoosmeg Ringoosmeg is offline  
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Shropshire
Posts: 82
Angry Mad Man

Ive just spent some considerable time on the mans web site, well, what can I say.

The Tosh that is being written is tantermount to madness, I cannot believe that he believes his own ramblings!

The section on how the railway is big enough to be converted into roads suitable for full sized lorries and coaches...mmmmm, he even states that tunnels and bridges are OK and will not need changing, I realy dont think that he realises that the majority of railway tunnels etc are single bore! and are curved at the top! so the actual height at the centre is ok, but deviate either side of that centre line and cruch...what roof on the lorriy/coach...

I could go on...I urge you to read it all...its fiction of the highest order! Those who read it and believe it, need to get out more, go to the pub, make friends......

Last edited by Ringoosmeg; 17th July 2007 at 23:33. Reason: spelling
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