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Old 13th March 2014, 21:48
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Silver Fox Phil Silver Fox Phil is offline  
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The walk to the sheds are almost always open, and often all you need to do is ask a member if it's ok to go around the shed? They nearly always oblige.
I agree Leicester is a bit of an oddity, as it was not the original, nor is it in the original location. If you look at the bridge you will see where the original station was, including where the stairs dropped down onto the island platform.
Having staid that, there is a big project to open a satellite museum from the NRM on the opposite side of the platform. When this happens (expected around 2018) it will mKe Leicester quite an attraction in its own right.
Now imagine the "bridging the gap" at Loughborough to extend the line to join up with the Nottingham GCR (North) and a connection to the main line to boot! Presto we will be able to run all manner of events on an eighteen mile line!
Exciting times ahead and so much happening.
Steveaki13, if ever your at the GCR and want to meet up, I'd be happy to oblige.
All the very best
Member of the LMS Patriot Project
Member of the GCR railway
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