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Old 30th September 2010, 02:44
CaravanClub CaravanClub is offline  
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Avon
Posts: 9
Former Advenza Loco's

Hello folks,

Can anybody shed any light on the current status or likely fate of the Advenza loco's dumped at Cardiff Cen (class 57) and Gloucester (47)? These have been static for many months with no apparent attention being received; indeed the Cardiff 57 was rammed hard up against the blocks in a minor shunt I believe, and is still sat like it now. Such a shame to see presumably serviceable loco's just being left to sieze up. I understand the whole outfit remains in the hands of the receivers, the likely overhauls needed to recomission these loco's surely does nothing at all to help with their value?! I heard a rumour that they may end up being weighed in as scrap as this is thought to be the most profitable means of selling these assets?! Let's hope that this isn't the eventual outcome.
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