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Old 21st August 2010, 20:57
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Originally Posted by Deathbyteacup View Post
Ah, here we go again.

I've experienced this occasionally when the service before the one I am on has failed or been canceled, trying to shoehorn too many people into a 142 to the point where the doors don't close, isn't nice, but, I have to take issue with you on a few points;

1) On every occasion people have been instructed to move down the train, and do so.
2) Northern Rail are not responsible for people choosing where to stand.
3) You can move down into the vestibule yourself and / or ask others to do so. You didn't?
4) Apart from the pacers, Northern's trains seem fine inside, specifically, their sprinters and adelente units have all been comfortable and clean to me. Maybe I've not got very high standards.
5) Pacers are for getting commuters in and out of the city quickly, they do kinda fill a roll. They're not plesent but they do their job. This isn't Northern's fault, they have to use them.
6) I can tell you now that I've been on a Northern train that WAS dirty because it wasn't cleaned, and the conductor apologised for this on several
occasions. The interiors are usually "clean", save for the litter placed during the journey, it's just the interior itself I think you have a problem with?
7) Toilets are universally blocked - this is a lie. They're just not.
8) Staff can be rude and unhelpful - never, ever experienced this. Everyone I've ever delt with has been a pleasure.
9) DMU's break down - this would be Pacers, but again, not Northern's fault.

I personally think Northern have made the very best of what they've been given. Compared to the previous incumbants of the franchise, they're amazing. I'd personally like to see them stay. It's the DfT that need to make the changes needed to the franchise, not Northern.

You sound like someone with an axe to grind just because you've had an unpleasent trip. Sadly, that's just reality, regardless of TOC.
A few things I may not have explained about this.
On my particular journey that made me snap, people had no choice where to stand. The isles were full so the vestibule was the only choice for many.
I reached Piccadilly early and was one of the first people on board, so I got a seat. Toilets are blocked. If they aren't, you still would not want to go.
I'm afraid to say that customer service that I and others have recieved is terrible. Pacers are not designed for Commuter work at all. Rural branchlines was supposed to be their stamping ground.
With all respect, am I right in thinking that you yourself work for the railways in Manchester?
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