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Old 28th March 2010, 19:05
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Ian White Ian White is offline  
Station Manager
Join Date: Nov 2005
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Posts: 688
Originally Posted by klordger1900 View Post
Why would the Unions plan to strike at a time when people are more likely to vote Tory as a protest against the strikes. Isnt that counter-productive?
I think its a bloody shame that working people are allowed to affect the lives of millions of people (not just UK citizens - but anyone unfortunate enough to be here at the time) in this way. There should be a law against that for a start since the railways are seen as essential to a lot of businesses. This widespread hardship costs everyone concerned a lot of extra money which clearly means that someone else will profit from any strike, but its agro people just dont need. Anyway, there is no reason why we cant build trains here anymore - its just another assembly line which can be started with private/public funds wherever they like; Redcar for instance! Now there's a name and livery for a new train system if ever I heard one!!!
As some one that may be going on strike lets look at from my point of view under networkrails new terms,I end up with out a job as i am not requied any more because 2 men can do the work of 3 so 23 years of hard work ends up with not a lot to show for it.

Would you not think about striking if some one was going to take your job away from you

Also team sizes are to be cut,less money spent on Saftey training and cross boarder work are just some of the things that networkrail are tring to push in within these new terms.

Networkrail wanted to cut 1500 maintance staff,so far around 800 have been lost,when the union asked about compulsory redunaces networkrail would not talk about it.

So do you blame them for going on strike i dont.

All the best,Ian
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