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Old 8th March 2010, 12:06
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Pork Pie

Originally Posted by ccmmick View Post
There is story about pork pies but i think i will get told off if i put it on here
i will try and keep it clean.
Billy the station master at Bodmin Road had a pork pie every day for his dinner
and Billy was a funny old bugger, so one day one of the porter's got Mary who wasn't quiet all there and rubbed a pork pie under Mary's skirt then put the pork pie back in the buffet in comes Billy for his dinner everyone was in on it and watched Billy eat his dinner .
I didn't do him any harm he lived right up into his 90s.

Thar's a good un commick.
Here's one.
A pork pie walks into a pub and the barmaid says sorry we dont serve food in here.
When I read about the evils of drink I gave up reading
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