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Old 23rd February 2010, 16:12
martin adamson martin adamson is offline  
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Aldershot
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Calling all Nuneaton passengers........

I am currently doing a final year University reasearch project analysing the impact of the very high frequency timetable on the West Coast Mainline on stations such as Nuneaton with a major decrease in Virgin Trains services.

I decided to do this because it affected me, as I used to use the Nuneaton VT service (Liverpool-Euston) as far as Crewe until they stopped running it.

I would be interested to hear other passengers views of the recent changes, do you use Nuneaton station? If so I would be interested to hear your views and experiences, if you are interested in sharing any info please let me know either here or PM me.
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