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Old 13th January 2010, 20:36
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Hills is a nice railway and arguably nicer on a sunny day.
The mini golf is fun and right next to the running line.
I was nearly flattened but still a nice extra attraction.
The second loop is long enough I feel for a halt to serve the other parts of the site.
The main station though needs another platform tough and they need to be lengthened.
You really have to be determined to get on a train on a busy day as it only consists of a few cars.
The rolling stock is much better though as they are all small scale Pullmans with roofs and all.
Proper seats are included wich have four in a car. There are two compartments each with two seats that face each other.
They don't have much in the way of sides except by the seats but it is a lot from such a small gauge.
Access to the sheds is better than at Brookside as well and can be walked up to and not just seen from the train.
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