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Old 13th April 2009, 12:46
hairyhandedfool hairyhandedfool is offline  
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Originally Posted by Flying Pig View Post
.... Once this happens the traincrew aren't allow to try to raise it again until a Fitter has checked it....
From my knowledge of the ADD on 319s, the driver would be unable to raise the pan if it activated, nevermind being allowed to raise it!

The air is fed directly from the main air resevior, the air pressure is what keeps the pan raised, if the carbons on the pan are knocked lose/out of position, air pressure is lost and the pan falls, air pressure can't be re-instated because the carbon is not in place. It also works if the pan is raised too high (if the pan goes 'off the wires'), using a device in the 'elbow' of the pan arm, which works in a similar way.
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Well done for making it past that today!
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