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Old 4th December 2008, 19:52
meurglysIII meurglysIII is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: golborne, warrington
Posts: 249
John that's brilliant, thanks so much for that.
You've got the running directions exactly right as built. The obvious solution for me would be to replace or modify that dodgy point, then operation would be exactly as your diagram. I'm pretty sure I'll just have dummy signals for the diesel depot though, as it's pretty much a static scenic feature, I tend to just like observing trains making circuits. The next layout though.......

re the positioing, I think the ones on the down platforms will need to be on gantries, which in itself will look pretty good I think, so as long as there's room... I EALLY should have thought about signals earlier. schoolboy error!

I'll print that plan out & take it with me, get some advice on best products from the bods at the show next week. Thanks again!

*edit* the bay platform faces south by the way.

Last edited by meurglysIII; 4th December 2008 at 19:53. Reason: self-evident ;-)
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