Thread: The 47's
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Old 5th July 2008, 15:23
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Originally Posted by Foghut View Post

I've heard drivers moan about having to wear binbags in a 47 because the weather got in,
It wasn't just 47's. It was virtually all the locomotives that BR had in those days. One day I was on a class 37 and I was absolutely nithered. I found a hole in the floor near the second mans footwarmer and a gale of icy wind was blowing into the cab from it. I got a newspaper and crumpled up the pages into balls and stuffed them into the hole. I think I'd used virtually the whole paper before the hole was finally full and about two minutes later I was as warm as toast.

On another day I was given a DMU to work off Thornaby Depot. It wasn't one of our usual DMU's and looked to have come from a different area and there was draughts coming from just about everywhere. I went to the stores and got a huge roll of masking tape and taped over all the draughts. By the time I'd finished taping, there wasn't much left of the roll, but once again I was nice and warm for my shift.

Cheers. Ewan.
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