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Old 17th April 2008, 20:48
martin adamson martin adamson is offline  
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Originally Posted by hstudent View Post
FNW using 150s with limited leg room and without catering on Buxton to Manchester to Blackpool services, but using 175s with ample leg room and catering on Manchester Airport to Blackpool services.
Yeah that used to be an odd set of operations (from what I remember there was timetabled a trolley service on one Blackpool-Buxton that left after 17:00, but I don't know if it ever turned up ), but it was like you say, offering a very different service by the same operator. I think the idea of this was FNW's intercity Man Airport to Blackpool, alongside their local stopping service (which ironically went further), but that Man Airport to Blackpool stopped at a lot of stations (over 15 I think), didn't feel like much of an express until it was taken into TPX who altered stopping patterns.
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