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Old 12th December 2007, 23:32
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nick nick is offline  
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Lancashire
Posts: 19
Hi from Lancashire

To you all here i'm pretty new to model railways but have been a modelmaker for over 30 years, covering lots of subjects and am always willing to pass on any tips and techniques if i can.
I decided to join the site to enhance my knowledge of railways and their workings, i model American railroads in N gauge running on code 55 peco track, my interest lying mainly in stock and locos run by Union Pacific, Southern Pacific, and Pennsy, although i have a liking for some British items especially class 37 locos, at the moment unfortunatley i cannot have a large layout living in a flat but hopefully in the future have a room dedicated to my pastime.
Dc is the method of power at present though i have several locos DCC capable and an NCE power cab controller ready for the change to DCC.
Hope to chat to you all soon here, if you want to chat anytime leave me a message and i'll get back to you A.S.A.P.
Good luck with your railways.
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