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2E0BLL 9th June 2009 19:55

Demise of Past time rail
I have just read the latest edition of Railway Herald, and it would seem that there will be no more Cotton Mills Express unless another company steps in, as Past Time Rail have gone into liquidation. There is a statement on their home page with information for customers who have purchased tickets on planned tours which of course will not now take place.:mad: :(
Some tours have been taken over by Torbay express ltd.
Regards Mike.

John H-T 9th June 2009 20:55

It is very sad. I have had some great days out with Past Time Rail including the Torbay Express. At least the futur of the Torbak Express looks secure.

Best wishes,

John H-T.

reflector 10th June 2009 14:06

Even more sad for those like me to whom Past-time Rail owe money. We had booked for the recent Welsh Marches Express which was cancelled with no explanation. We did pay by credit card so hopefully might get it back but I have little sympathy for companies who take people's money when they must know that they are in deep financial trouble. It's little more than fraud.

richard thompson 10th June 2009 20:10

Quite understand reflectors point of veiw, but the loss of a rail tour company is to be regretted!

2E0BLL 10th June 2009 21:18


Originally Posted by reflector (Post 28265)
Even more sad for those like me to whom Past-time Rail owe money. We had booked for the recent Welsh Marches Express which was cancelled with no explanation. We did pay by credit card so hopefully might get it back but I have little sympathy for companies who take people's money when they must know that they are in deep financial trouble. It's little more than fraud.

Apparently if you paid by credit card then you will be able to get a refund from the credit card company. If you paid with a cheque or debit card you become a creditor, and will have to wait your turn. Altogether a sad state of affairs.
Regards Mike.

reflector 11th June 2009 11:25

Yes, that's the theory re payments by credit card - let's hope it works as I'm £390 out of pocket as it stands. The website suggests it'll take some time though.

Don't get me wrong - I'll miss Past-Time Rail with whom I've travelled many times over the years although The Marches Express was to have been the first for quite some time. Like other charter operators, I fear they have priced themselves out of the market. I've normally travelled Premier Class and taken my wife and what for us both we have spent on a day out by charter train, goes a good way towards a holiday or at least a more than decent short break away.

I'm not saying that it's necessarily the charter firms fault but I do think prices have got unaffordable for many. We went on a recent charter trip on an HST organised by the Cotswold Line Promotion Group to Torbay for £30 each first class. A comparable trip with a commercial charter company would have cost three times as much. I'm sure the CLPG managed special rates with First Great Western but it's a very big difference.

2E0BLL 11th June 2009 19:29

Hope you don`t have to wait too long to get your money back. I will miss the Cotton Mills, looked forward to it coming through Blackburn every month. Will have to make do with the Fellsman when it starts in July, provided Statesman don`t go the same way!
All the best Mike.

bramleyman 11th June 2009 23:45

Having been on two SUPERB rail trips with Past-Time and then not hearing from them for some time, I did wonder why it was?

reflector 22nd June 2009 22:35

I've now received advice from the liquidators re claiming back from the credit card company so that'll be going in ASAP. I do feel sorry for any who didn't pay by credit card who I fear will get little or nothing back.

They've also sent me details of the creditors meeting which I hope to go to.

2E0BLL 23rd June 2009 07:40

Thats good news, keep us posted if you get to the meeting.
Regards Mike.

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