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Hawker31 14th September 2010 17:00

Survey for GCSE Project
Hi, Yes its another survey :D
It would be very much appreciated if you could take some time to answer the following questions.
Note: When I say 'models' i'm specifically talking about model buildings.

1. How old are you?

2. How many models on average do you buy a month?

3. What scale do you prefer to use?

3. How much would you be willing to pay for an average sized model?

4. How long would you spend on making an average sized model?

5. Which material do you prefer to work with?

6. Do you buy models from shops or from the internet?

7. What theme of model railway are you most interested in?



pre65 14th September 2010 17:05

Is this for the same school project as "dharz" is asking questions about on here ?

Why not go to a model railway exhibition and ask the same questions ? Bet you will get loads of information there.:D

Hawker31 14th September 2010 17:11

Yes it is. Sorry, but we werent given much time :(, so we were just told to go onto model railway forums and get it that way. I know there's a number of threads here already but we just need a few responses each , thats all.


pre65 14th September 2010 17:14


Originally Posted by Hawker31 (Post 53673)
Yes it is. Sorry, but we werent given much time :(, so we were just told to go onto model railway forums and get it that way. I know there's a number of threads here already but we just need a few responses each , thats all.


You will have to share information then, because I can't imagine many members would answer the same questions twice ?

Hawker31 14th September 2010 17:16

Ok, thats fine. We needed to at least prove that we had bothered to put our survey on the internet.


dharz 14th September 2010 17:29

1. How old are you? 156

2. How many models on average do you buy a month? 5343

3. What scale do you prefer to use? none

3. How much would you be willing to pay for an average sized model? 1 mil

4. How long would you spend on making an average sized model? 1 min

5. Which material do you prefer to work with? tracing paper

6. Do you buy models from shops or from the internet? from vb and sons

7. What theme of model railway are you most interested in? none



Hawker31 14th September 2010 17:33

thats not very helpful..

dharz 14th September 2010 17:34

i answered your questions.. i done what u told me to do :)

Hawker31 14th September 2010 18:12

Those figures are HIGHLY unrealistic.

pre65 14th September 2010 18:16


Originally Posted by Hawker31 (Post 53683)
Those figures are HIGHLY unrealistic.

Do you have to accept as accurate any answers given ?

John H-T 14th September 2010 22:09

Gentlemen please will you look at the answers already given to J4Y which I think are realistic and genuine. Then if you need clarification or more information post carefully thought out extension questions and I for one will do my best to answer them. I think that J4Y did get some good info so start from there.

Above all remember that you are asking us to give time to answer. Be polite and hope that you get what you need. This is the nature of research and it can be quite daunting!

Best wishes,

John H-T.

JimRBRobinson 15th September 2010 00:41

Just as a thought, but I recall back when I was at school (17 years since I finished high school) we did a project which involved surveys. I remember we worked in teams of four and my team got extra credit for including obviously 'wrong' answers, and explaining how we had allowed for them in our analysis and conclusion. In any survey, some will take delight in giving you garbage, but good data analysis means you don't ignore them, or sweep them under the carpet. You still account for them in your work.

And, in answer to Hawker's questions:

1. How old are you? 33

2. How many models on average do you buy a month? Varies - sometimes 2 or 3 in a month, then there may be a couple of months where I buy. Depends what I need at the time.

3. What scale do you prefer to use? 00

3. How much would you be willing to pay for an average sized model? Again depends on how it meets my needs at the time. I've never spent more than £30 in a single purchase.

4. How long would you spend on making an average sized model? Again, not easy to answer - they are a labour of love and take as long as they take to get right. Last model I made represented about 30-hours work on total from preparation, to construction, to painting. That 30 hours or so took four weeks of my spare time though.

5. Which material do you prefer to work with? I use a lot of polystyrene, balsa wood, matchsticks, occasionally vacuum-form plastic. Not very much metalwork but I've done some.

6. Do you buy models from shops or from the internet? Usually model shops as I like to see what I'm buying.

7. What theme of model railway are you most interested in? End of steam to childhood memories for me so it's pretty much 1960's to late 1980s.

Hope this is helpful and good luck with the work. :D

Toddington Ted 30th September 2010 22:02

Questionnaires have limitations as data-gathering tools. If you get a 50% return on your target audience then you are doing very well. You need to know who your target audience is and how to phrase the questions. Why is age important for example? Data collection relies on more than one method to increase its accuracy (interviews, written evidence, focus groups etc - yes, guess who is doing a PGCE at the moment!) and people who design accurate questionnaires for organisations get well paid for doing so. Therefore I will not criticise the attempts I've seen here on the forum. What the GCSE syllabus probably doesn't include is politeness and deference to seniority and experience - sadly lacking in some of our more youthful followers but only some I'd hasten to add (although the media would have us believe otherwise of course). In addition, many questionnaire fillers will want to know the "what's in it for me" aspect. If the aim of the questionnaire is to provide data to produce better model buildings for model railway enthusiasts then they might respond more readily than if its for some poor sod who wants to get a GCSE in some subject that a future employer only looks at and says "What in the name of sanity is that?"

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