Thread: ECML future?
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Old 19th December 2005, 23:57
fred henderson fred henderson is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: UK
Posts: 25
Electrification is great if everything is working. A single fault in the overhead system and the entire section of track is out of action, often for several hours. Only very limited part of the main line trackage is electrified, diversions are usually impossible. The problem is that old British Rail electrified on the cheap. Given the poor service they offered, not many passengers were expected and freight traffic was assumed to be over. The overhead system used by British Rail was built to about the lowest specification in Europe. High winds or high temperature and it is likely to fail.
Diesel power is far more adaptable and therefore more reliable in everyday use. The only problem is that diesels need to be properly maintained and regularly replaced. The actual electric locomotives are almost imortal, it is the power supply system that is so bad in UK.

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