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Old 17th September 2023, 02:56
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aussiesteve aussiesteve is offline
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Location: Bathurst
Posts: 578
Digital crackers, the computer going bang.
Yes, mistakes can be devastating.
Doing more with less, CAPITALISM, can result in far fewer bods performing tasks.
OK, the opposed perception, nine council workers leaning on shovels while one bloke digs did prompt doing more with less.
Actually, I have them nine council workers relaxing opposite my hovel during week days.
We are copping a humongous storm water drain with consequent digging in the dirt to plant the pipes.
They have moved barely 300 feet up the opposite footpath in four weeks.
NO crackers in use in Van Diemens Land while I was toiling down there.
Track Bulletins and notification on the Track Warrant authority providing any protection.
So, you had to be on yer toes while rattling along.
Mind you, we didn't percolate all that fast, 60 kph being the South Line max speed.
And there wasn't much of that.
Only one incident that I was aware of could have resulted in devastation.
The driver (Bomber we dubbed him) of a failed train reported his location as being such and such.
Fortunately, the driver of the rescue mission, he had stabled his train by himself to roar off to find and shove the failed train, realized that Bomber could not be where he stated.
The given location being 10 kms OUT, and closer to the rescue mission.
Driver Only Operation does make you more aware of your situation.
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