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Old 19th April 2021, 20:32
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Originally Posted by 27vet View Post
It would be interesting to know the difference in speed between this train and the TGV that hit a landslide from Cologne to Paris, the driver was injured, but there were no fatalities. Incidentally I was on a TGV to Paris from Bordeaux at the same time.
Is this the incident, at Ingenheim, 5th March 2020?

If so, the wiki entry states the TGV was travelling at 270kph (170mph), but I suspect that the geography of the area has a lot to do with the outcome. The RAIB report into the Stonehaven crash states that the train remained upright for 60m following the derailment before hitting the parapet of the bridge and falling down the embankment. I suspect if the area had been straight and level, with no embankments or bridges, then there would have been a good chance that the train may have possibly stayed upright.

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