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Old 31st January 2021, 09:54
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Originally Posted by aussiesteve View Post
Yep, a brief spiel has made yer RAIB mob, who will investigate.
At least the rear wagon still had a red tail light attached when it derailed and fouled the main line.
Is Toton a hump style yard ?
I kinda recollect it being mentioned before somewhere.
If so, I am wondering about the falling grade.
We attempted this feat last year over in Croweater country, when a rake of wagons decided to take off in a yard.
Troublesome trucks as Thomas the tank engine would call em.
Hi Steve.

Toton used to use hump shunting as in the 1951 photo in this link:
and from this 1930s archive footage - a modern H&S nightmare!
and another film featuring 19502 footage & former workers revisiting the site:

Toton yard was first set up as two sidings in 1856, continuing to grow over the years until two large, separate Up & Down yards were created. Hump shunting (or gravity shunting) was introduced in 1901 and continued until 1984.

I'm not sure of the current geography, whether there is still any remnants of the hump, but I guess there must be a bit of a downgrade for the wagons to run away for half a mile.

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