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Old 22nd October 2020, 14:08
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Beeyar Wunby Beeyar Wunby is offline  
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Hi again Bob

Well everyday is a school day, as they say.

You're absolutely right, and I googooed this linky....

As you say, they're doing the 'Flex' thing and moving the units around on their batteries. On a personal note, this makes me really get hot under the collar.

How typically British to throw money into researching a bodge when we should be spending it on fixing the problem - making the UK fully wired. There are several 'hybrid' projects running which are soaklng up £millions. The UK government has ordered hybrid trains for several routes and dodged the issue. Nice work if it's your company getting the action.

Most western European countries electrified after WW2. Here we are 75 years later still procrastinating. Not really surprising, just very disappointing.


Cheers BW.
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