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Old 23rd August 2020, 17:11
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Beeyar Wunby Beeyar Wunby is offline  
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Hi Tony. Absolutely none taken. I always enjoy our discussions.

I hadn't appreciated that it was part of AS's post you were commenting on.

As usual, the media has hyped this and whipped up the lynchmob. We seem to be living in very angry and troubled times. I blame Murdoch for much of it, but I must bite my lip because as we've said before this is not the place for politics.

And here in Blighty, in the Good Book 'proceed with caution' requires you be able to stop short of any obstuction without mentioning a specific speed, except that you are required to (1) pass over points and crossings at 15 max, and (2) ensure that facing and trailing points are set for your intended route (which involves slowing down to walking pace as you get to one ).

Whereas Blanket Speed Restrictions do specify a given maximum speed.

Best wishes, BW.
NNR Diesel traincrew
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