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Old 24th June 2020, 04:50
aussiesteve's Avatar
aussiesteve aussiesteve is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2017
Location: Bathurst
Posts: 578
Yes, the scorched earth does look terrible.
But, OZ is based on such events, to help propagate our eucalyptus and other indigenous foliage.
Humanity forgot that our forests rely on fire, and decided to build amongst them trees for the serenity.
Already, there are green shoots appearing on the many black trunks.
Though, many other trees were dead.
Frequent small fires are necessary, but humanity don't like fire or the clearing of undergrowth.
Hence now days our fires are horrific.
As to social distancing fines, an individual can cop a fine ranging from $1000.oo up to $1500.oo for non-compliance.
There can also be an additional much heavier fine imposed, plus gaol time if the person decides to fight it in court.
Even though parts of Aussie society seem to now be forgetting the virus restrictions, we are still suffering from it.
The Mexicans are now attempting to suffer a second wave with increasing community spread.
So, the NSW state premier has advised us Cockroaches to NOT associate with any Mexicans (Victorians).
The Croweaters were going to reopen their border, but have now decided to keep their Mexican border locked shut.
Likewise the Bananabender border remains SHUT.
Donald might spruike that this virus is FAKE.
But, with around 9 million infected world wide, and deaths approaching 500,000 I don't think that it is fake.
And, being almost an Old Fart, hence in the danger zone, I am definitely reluctant to travel on public transport.
I only decided to make the journey as Russell at Alcoworld had ordered more of me retail DVDs.
Posting them to him would have been very expensive.
I can rattle down on the Bullet freebie.
While bouncing home aboard the Bullet, I heard each and every sniff, sneeze and cough.
It is not mandated to wear face masks here when out and about.
AND, a face mask will NOT prevent the wearer from copping the virus, unless that mask is the medical variety.
The mask possibly prevents the wearer from coughing the virus at others.
One facet that I forgot to mention above, was the announcement I heard while at Central station.
The Brissy XPT service was due to depart shortly, and as the train is a booked seat service, any excess green dot cattle cannot journey.
So, I presume that there were more cattle booked for the service than green dots.
Additional omnibus services had been arranged to cart the surplus.
Mind you, with a bus only possessing 12 green dots, a number of omnibus additions were required.
BAD LUCK if you is one of the cattle excess to the train green dots.
The train possessing a buffet car provides food and drink in transit.
BUT, food and drink is NOT permitted for cattle riding the omnibus.
The omnibus halting en route at the occasional road house and the cattle stampeding off to buy drink and food and scoff it down in the 15 minutes.
PLUS, with the Bananaland border SHUT to all except for them with exemptions, the train and omnibus services would not actually reach Brissy.
As to having a jumbo jet all to yerself flapping around, that ain't gunna happen here.
When QANTAS finally gets fully airborne again here, there WILL NOT be any social distancing imposed.
Without MEGA governmental support, two thirds empty jumbo jets will not flap anywhere.
So, will anyone really want to flap about crammed in as per normal ?
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