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Old 12th December 2019, 20:13
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Originally Posted by Beeyar Wunby View Post
Yo Steve. Interesting spot.

Grrrr, all this messing about with crossings just because road users are so impatient.

Conventional (as in in not messed-about with) AHBs have a treadle operated by the flange on the wheel of the approaching train. This operates a series of timers. IIRC the barriers should be down 7 seconds before the train arrives at the crossing......provided that the train is travelling at linespeed.

The sequence seen by a motorist is;
1) The yellow lights flash as a warning
2) The red wigwags flash alternately and the sirens sound. Motorists must stop their vehicle before the road markings
4) The barriers drop, whilst the wigwags and sirens continue.
5) Once the train(s) have passed, the wigwags & sirens stop and the barriers raise.

You may recall that in the Summer I posted a little tale about running for 9 miles along the Single Line at 20mph instead of 90. As you can see, the barriers would have been down a very long time before I arrived at the crossing. Fortunately it's mostly country folk round here, and they like to live their lives a little slower, bless 'em.

The Safety Police's fear is that motorists will get so irate that they swerve round the barriers - They're half-barriers remember.

In my humble opinion, Nitwit Rule would do better to spend the money on threatening signs and video cameras, rather than frigging with the timing of the barriers.

If Wunby ruled the world (and it's just as well he doesn't) anybody who jumps the crossing has deliberately risked the lives of train passengers and should have a spell in the 'Big House'.

Just my 2 cents. Have a nice day
Is it just a cost saving that we have mostly half-barrier crossings - wouldn't it be safer to have full barriers?

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