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Old 25th May 2019, 06:08
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aussiesteve aussiesteve is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2017
Location: Bathurst
Posts: 578
Sadly Master,
It be social media that gets into the heads of juveniles today.
Plus, they know that coppers and authorities are hamstrung in regard to action.
Parents must be present here when ever juveniles are arrested and interrogated today.
Not so back in my drunken schoolboy days.
The coppers would give you a real good kick up the posterior.
Mind you, us drunken schoolboys never were game enough to cause any damage.
And, we didn't have any urge to cause damage.
We were just rowdy.
But, even that was not tolerated by the boys in blue.
The debacle over mobile phone access at school today is a good example of just how ridiculous things have become.
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