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Old 4th April 2018, 09:44
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Beeyar Wunby Beeyar Wunby is offline  
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Thanks for that Syd.

They look like unsupervised full-barrier crossings.

It's a dilemna. If you have half barriers (like we do) the vehicle/pedestrians can escape if the first barrier drops behind them whilst they're on the crossing. BUT - silly beggars who can't wait for a few minutes will slalom through on the 'wrong' side.

On the other hand, if you have full barriers it stops the herberts but traps people on the crossing.

In the UK we do have some cctv remotely monitored crossings, but it means a signaller has to take time out to watch throughout the barrier lowering process - and they are busy controlling trains.

Perhaps the answer is to have all crossings video recorded? Then we can see if the timing is at fault, or the users.

Of course this is no help to the dead, but other than locking stupid people in their homes, what can we do?

Cheers, BW.
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