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Old 15th March 2018, 12:01
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Beeyar Wunby Beeyar Wunby is offline  
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Thanks for that a/s. You've posted some great pics there.

We have a ruling that toilets don't need to be provided for a journey of less than an hour, so our new class 717 commuter stock for London currently being built STILL doesn't have toilets in the 21st century ! Wicked. People leave their cars behind and take the train in order to go out 'on the tiles', and yet on their journey home there's nowhere to relieve themselves. As you can imagine the train cleaners have a horrible job on Saturday and Sunday mornings.

Also there is no law that all trains must have a working Universal Access toilet (the big ones that take wheelchairs). This 'seems' to be in breach of the Disabled Disability Act, but it has not been taken through the courts yet - and when it does it'll take years before it becomes law.

And as someone who doesn't have a particularly big bladder, I really feel for passengers when they tell me all the toilets are broken on a train. Sometimes we are authorised to hold a train at a station whilst people take a wee break, but it must be embarrassing for them as everyone on the train is watching them. Somewhat degrading.

There just doesn't seem to be very good train toilet engineering. Possibly because there doesn't need to be.

Perhaps if TOCs were financially penalised if a train doesn't have toilets there would be an incentive to improve things ?

Just a thought.

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