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Old 11th March 2018, 07:34
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aussiesteve aussiesteve is offline
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G'day BW and Tony,
Yep, this is fair dinkum.
The newbie interurban emu sets being ordered from South Korea are too wide for some of the Blue Mountains platforms.
Not sure about the tunnels.
The problem platforms are the curved ones.
Them curved platforms will need the coping shaved a tad.
NSW is not alone in this type of debacle.
Queensland Railways also ordered trains that did not fit the tunnels between Roma Street and Central.
That was a while ago now.
We had three wagon widths of emu trains here in NSW.
Wide, medium and narrow.
Wide width cars are now gone to history.
Medium width are not permitted to work west of Springwood.
Narrow width can work on any part of the electrified network.
They coulda had even more problems had they went with the various German designs originally contemplated.
Not only a totally different overhead system, but also wagon width and step doorway height problems.
Them Deutsch mob having no less than three platform (bahnsteig) heights necessary for the three types of trains.
Now, add into the mix that the newbie Driverless Metro system being built for smog hollow is not compatible with the existing network.
We are really digging a tunnel for ouselves.
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