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Old 25th March 2016, 12:04
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Glad that the old girl didn't come to any harm, as it's one of my most photographed locos, i seem to have seen it everywhere I've been. I wouldn't like to speculate as to what happened, and certainly not from the photos.

I can't help but comment on the level of journalism though..........."This is the moment an historic 60-year-old train crashed"...... It isn't a train and, it wasn't a train crash, it was the truck that was transporting it that crashed and therefore a road traffic accident
The photo caption says "The 20 tonne train, an 80072 locomotive".........need I say more except that it becomes an "86 tonne train, an 80072 locomotive" in the article
I used to be a complete idiot, now, unfortunately, some parts are missing

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