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Old 12th March 2016, 08:40
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Originally Posted by TRP View Post
Too late I'm afraid Ken - reports of people trespassing on track at Eaglescliffe during 'Flying Scotsman's light engine move from York-Grosmont.

BTP apparently "warning" people that if found trespassing they face going to court, up to £1000 fine & a criminal record, but they don't seem to be taking much action as yet.

I agree that the return of 'Royal Scot' has received far less coverage than 'Flying Scotsman' - I think the publicity & hype has been whipped up by the NRM and swallowed by the media at large as 'Flying Scotsman' is probably the most famous loco as known by the (non-enthusiast) general public. Whilst the publicity is good news in terms of getting the 'steam message' across to the general public, the trespassing has also brought negative headlines.

You're right Tony, the genie is out of the bottle I'm afraid. You are also correct in pointing the finger at the NRM for the hype.

They must have thought the nightmare that they lumbered (not sure if that is the right word) themselves with was ended when the overhaul was completed. However, they could end up with a loco that fewer and fewer people will want to hire because of the logiistical problems in crowd control etc.

I wonder if the Severn Valley Railway are thinking that after booking it for the Autumn Gala. They have already basically scrapped the normal gala formula, and aren't even calling it a gala now, for which they have received much criticism. I hope it is a financially lucrative weekend for them, at least enough to justify the headaches they will have to deal with
I used to be a complete idiot, now, unfortunately, some parts are missing

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