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Old 29th February 2012, 13:16
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Dave Rowland Dave Rowland is offline  
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I've taken loads of photos of trains in Spain MOSTLY without problems, even been allowed around loco depots and been given cab rides; all this occurred between 1989 and 1992. The only problem encountered was at Madrid Atocha, where we were apprehended and taken to an office, where after a wait of about 45 minutes, wew were given an official letter of authority allowing us to photograph trains at the station. However, once we started taking photos and writing down numbers at the broad gauge section, we were once again collared by police. We showed them our permits, which they scrutinized carefully, and then told us it was only valid on the standard gauge AVE section, since it was stamped 'AVE'. Very time consuming, and a pain in the ah - is that the time already? OK otherwise, here's some photos:-

The Spanish photos are in the last half.
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