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Old 9th January 2012, 12:50
Shimbleshanks Shimbleshanks is offline  
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Purley
Posts: 90
The Pendos do at least reduce the misery to just over a couple of hours or so.

The irony, though, is that despite their cramped-ness, they contain a lot of wasted space. For a start, there are the huge disabled-accessible toilets. This may be a legal requirement, but does there need to be so many of them? In all my years travelling on the Pendos, I have never once seen anyone in a wheelchair using them. Because of this,there is also a curious little unused lobby area at the entrance to each carriage with a couple of fold-up seats.

And do we really need to create such cramped conditions for all passengers in the name of maximising the number of seats so that everyone can in theory sit down on the busiest trains? Wouldn't it be better to seat most passengers on most trains in some comfort and just accept that a few people will have to stand for half an hour or so on the busiest trains on Friday evenings? Or would that upset the health & safety wonks?
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