Thread: Hello again
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Old 19th September 2010, 20:55
majorfubar majorfubar is offline  
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Blackpool
Posts: 8
Thank you for your welcome. Unfortunately I don't think I'll be posting here very often. Twice I've tried posting a 'hello' thread: the first time it was deleted in its entirety without explanation. The second time it was edited and 2/3rds of my post removed, leaving just one sentence which remains (above), again without the courtesy of an explanation of what rules I had broken.

Frankly I find that kind of totalitarian moderation OTT, especially to a newbie.

So I shall take my interest to somewhere where the moderators are a bit more welcoming and communicative.

I expect this too will be deleted...

But thank you for your kind welcome.

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