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Old 15th March 2010, 22:07
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Originally Posted by steam for ever View Post
Great locos they really were. Something to do with 4472s early fame is that it had the same name as the train it pulled, which distinguished it from other locos.
I occasionally go down to the NRM to see the progress for myself. Not much was happening last time I went, but lots more progress has been made.
The amount of money people have paid for it just shows how much people care about it.
Even Jeremy Clarkson wrote about it in one of his books a while back and he adores it.
You find an enthusiast in the most unlikely places and this locomotive has ensured that and has done much to advertise the heritage movement and may have made what we have now materialise and for that it deserves 4 million to be spent on it.
I disagree! £4 million would buy you nearly 2 brand new A3s. 4472 needs putting in a bottle at the NRM with a big label on it reading "Drink me if you want to empty your wallet." What a waste of money. I want 111 "The Great Bear" instead! (Yes I know it wasn't very route friendly!)
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